Historic Windows Interior

Heirloom Windows Decoration
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Interior Details Identical to the Original

Glass Depth (Offset)

Media Wrench Bolt

The fact is, the actual geometry of the profile is so diminutive and intricate that most people couldn't pick theirs out of a line-up. However, what IS noticeable, and  therefore significant, is the depth the glass is set into the frame. In the vast majority of traditional sash, the glass is set at least 7/8" deep into the sash from the interior. This depth creates "shadow lines" that are responsible for much of the character of the window. Most contemporary windows choose to ignore this aesthetically significant detail and therefore are easily Identifiable as "modern".  We're assuming you aren't seeking a modern appearance for your replacement windows and therefore all our product lines provide you with the historic look you're after - that warmth and richness only found in deeply set glass.

Sash Frame Ratios

Media Wrench Bolt

One of the many defining characteristics of a traditional double-hung window is the ratios between the Bottom Rail, Top Rail, Meeting Rail and Stiles. In most cases Stiles and Top Rails are close to 2.25", Bottom Rails are 3" or so and Meeting rails are 1.125" - 1.375". The untrained naked eye can't necessarily recognize a 1/2" difference in the dimensions but it can readily recognize disproportion when all the parts are viewed together as in a whole window. If the proportions aren't right, it's pretty obvious.
Many replacement window makers either don't recognize the importance of maintaining these delicate ratios or just choose to ignore them. Either way, the result is a look that's not only not historically accurate but shouts contemporary!
The Meeting Rail on this Magnum is about 25% narrower than the Stile which is close to traditional. 2 1/4" and 1 3/8" sash sizes are available.

Inconspicuous Jamb Liner

Media Wrench Bolt

The Magnum jamb liner is invisible! The liner in this picture was painted the same color as the jamb and trim so it just disappears. Since the weather-stripping, which is hidden on the edges of the sash, is the only thing that makes contact with the jamb liner, the jamb liner can be painted any color you choose, and it wont rub off with use. If your windows are stained, your local paint store can match the stain color with the proper latex paint, so even then the jamb liners become inconspicuous.

Conspicuous Jamb Liner

Media Wrench Bolt

It's not hard to spot the lamb liner in this picture, even without the circles. The problem with typical jamb liners is that, not only can they be seen above the lower sash when it's closed, but also around the perimeter of the lower sash as well. If the windows sash are painted white, it's not a problem, but the darker their color, the more the jamb liners stand out. And, because the jamb liners in most contemporary windows also serve as compression seals and must mate firmly with the sash edge, if they were painted, it would scrape right off the first time the window is opened. You're stuck with their original color

Interior Casing, Trim and Stops

Media Wrench Bolt

As mentioned elsewhere, only the sash are replaced with the our Replacement Sash Systems. Neither your interior nor your exterior casing (or brick mold in the case of masonry buildings) is touched. The only "trim" that is removed is the interior stop (the thin slat that keeps the lower sash in place). In some cases, one may want to actually replace this stop with new material, such as; if it's caked with built-up paint, deteriorated, chewed up by old fasteners or window treatment hardware.